Legacy Give

Legacy Give is a nonprofit founded by Powered By Text to support organizations that help families in need. We are deeply connected to our ministry partners and are excited to be a part of what God is doing through their work in the community.

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Thank You

Powered By Text Clients & Partners

On behalf of the entire team, we would like to thank you for your partnership with Powered By Text. A portion of every dollar you spend with PBT goes to helping families through Legacy Give. What a blessing it is to be making such a great impact together.


Emily’s Place

Emily’s Place provides long-term transformational care that is critical for helping domestic violence survivors permanently escape abuse.

NonPareil Institute

NonPareil – which means ‘no equal’, is an organization that offers hope to adults on the autism spectrum, enabling them to acquire skills, learn teamwork, find their community.

Grow Mercy Initiatives

Grow Mercy Initiatives is a non-profit that actively provides support and resources to children in the country of India and is dedicated to helping families in need.


Emily's Place

Emily’s Place provides long-term transformational care that is critical for helping domestic violence survivors permanently escape abuse.

NonPareil Institute

NonPareil – which means ‘no equal’, is an organization that offers hope to adults on the autism spectrum, enabling them to acquire skills, learn teamwork, find their community.

Grow Mercy Initiatives

Grow Mercy Initiatives is a non-profit that actively provides support and resources to children in the country of India and is dedicated to helping families in need.

Help Us Make An Impact.

Help Us Make An Impact.